© 5v5 Soccer.us

5 v 5 Rules:


NUMBER OF PLAYERS: Nine is the maximum number of players on a

team; there are five field players and up to four substitutes. However, due to a

player injury or player ejection, a minimum of four players can still compete.

PLAYER SUBSTITUTIONS: Unlimited substitutions are permitted.

Substitutions may be made at any dead-ball situation, regardless of possession.

Teams must get the referee's permission and players are to enter and exit at

mid-field. There are no substitutions when the ball is in play.

PLAYER EQUIPMENT: All players must provide their own shin guards and

wear them during game time. Any player without shin guards will not be allowed

to play.

PLAYER “KITS”: If both teams are wearing the same color in the pool-play

round, a coin flip will determine which team will need to change uniforms. During

playoffs the higher seeded team will determine preferences.

PLAYER EJECTION (RED CARD): Referees have the right to eject a

player from the game for continual disobedience or as a result of an incident that

warrants sending the player off. The team may then continue with their remaining

players, however if the player receiving the red card was in the field of play, the

team must complete the game with only four players on the field. If more than

one player is given a red card while on the field, the team must forfeit as they

cannot field the minimum number of players(4). The player receiving the red card

will be suspended for the next game. A player receiving two red cards during the

tournament will miss the remainder of the tournament.


NO SLIDE TACKLING IN 5V5 SOCCER: First infraction is Yellow Card.

Second infraction will result in a second yellow – red card.

FIELD DIMENSIONS: The minimum playing field is 25 yards wide by 15

yards long and a maximum playing surface of 45 yards by 25 yards. Most fields

should be roughly 35x28. Goals are 2 yards by 3 yards.

PENALTY AREA: 9 yard arc from center of each goal. The space enclosed by

this arc of a circle is called the penalty area. The goalie may handle the ball in

the penalty area, but not from a back pass.

Penalty Mark: A suitable mark will indicate 9 yards from the mid-point of each

goal line, measured along an undrawn line at right angles. This is the penalty kick


BALL SIZE: We will use a size 4 game ball for all U9, U10, U11, and U12

games. Size 5 game balls will be used in all other divisions

GOAL SCORING: A goal may be scored from anywhere on the field.

RESTARTS: All restarts are indirect kicks.

KICK OFF: Is an indirect kick and may be taken in any direction.

THREE (3) YARD RULE: In all dead ball situations, restarts, including game

start and halftime start, defending players must stand at least three (3) yards

away from the ball. If the defensive player's goal area is closer than three (3)

yards, the ball will be placed three (3) yards from the goal area in line with the

place of the penalty.

THROW INS: A ball leaving the field of play on the sides of the field can be put

back into play by either indirect free kick or by throw-in. All throw-ins will be


GOAL KICKS: The goalkeeper or another player may place the ball anywhere

within the penalty area and must kick the ball from the ground.

PENALTY KICKS: A penalty kick is taken 9 yards from the goal line. They will

be taken from the penalty mark.

GAME DURATION: The game consists of two equal periods of 20 minutes.

Games tied after regulation play shall end in a tie except in the playoffs.

FAIR PLAY: Players, coaches, and spectators are expected to act in the

nature of "Fair Play" at all times. Abuse of the referees will not be tolerated.

Abuse of opponents will result in a red card. Any instance of such conduct will

disqualify the responsible team from the event.